Hey lovelies!
Many nail-art designs require a steady hand and with just one mistake, your paint job gets ruined. If you’re looking for an easy nail art design, try nail marbling!
Want to know how to make this manicure without using water with gel nail polish…? If yes, just keep on scrolling 🙂

We will need: CND Shellac Base Coat; CND Shellac Top Coat; CND Shellac Polish ‘Rose Bud’, MSK Shellac Polish in White (I got it from ebay for five dollars).

2. Apply two coats of CND Shellac ‘Rose Bud’ over the nails & cure it under the LED lamp for 2 minutes.

7. … and move it in whatever order you want to create a crazy marble. Gel polishes blend so easily together.

9. The last step is to apply CND Shellac Top Coat. Cure it under the lamp for 2 minutes and VUOLA! 😀

Nail art design is created using CND Shellac Base Coat; CND Shellac Top Coat; CND Shellac Polish ‘Rose Bud’, MSK Shellac Polish in White.

Nail art design is created using CND Shellac Base Coat; CND Shellac Top Coat; CND Shellac Polish ‘Rose Bud’, MSK Shellac Polish in White.

Nail art design is created using CND Shellac Base Coat; CND Shellac Top Coat; CND Shellac Polish ‘Rose Bud’, MSK Shellac Polish in White.
MSK Shallec Gel Polish in White HERE
CND Shellac Gel Polish in ‘Rose Bud’ HERE
CND Shellac Base Coat & Top Coat HERE
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Woah, your nails look so dreamy! Thanks for the tutorial, doll 😉
lovely ! <3
Were you aware that an Instagram account used one of these photos on their page and didn’t give you credit? You can see it here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BbSj9VCDXlR/?taken-by=thebestnailartvideos