4 Helpful Baselines For Determining Your Makeup Style

Photo by Shiny Diamond: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-applying-lipstick-3373727/
Photo by Shiny Diamond: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-applying-lipstick-3373727/

Makeup can be almost anything you want it to be. A great range of products and palettes are ready for you to use (or not use) as and when needed. There are so many guides online for light makeup, natural makeup, going-out makeup, fun makeup, and even Halloween makeup if you’re looking for something fun. Anyone who has engaged in the art of cosplay also knows even further beauty adjustments, perhaps even using tape to better mimic the eye shape of their favorite characters.

As you can see, makeup is quite literally just an art style you can use to achieve whatever look you want. As such, anyone who tells you to specifically use it in a given way is dictating your style, and that shouldn’t be acceptable. Of course, we know to keep our appearance smart for school or in the workplace, but outside of that obligation, you’re home-free!

So much choice does have its downsides, however. How are you supposed to determine the style that best works for you? In this post, we’ll discuss that and more:

Skin Type & Undertone Is A Good Place To Start

Understanding your skin type and undertone is crucial for selecting makeup that complements your natural features, and thankfully, almost all skin shades are represented. Consider whether your skin is oily, dry, or combination, and identify whether you have warm, cool, or neutral undertones too – it can make a big difference. For oily skin, you might consider oil-free or matte formulas to prevent shine, while hydrating formulas work wonders for dry skin, providing the perfect balance. This will help you treat your skin well, no matter what you apply from that point.

Find Your Color – This Is The Fun Part

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colors and textures to find what suits you best – it’s fun! You can try out various eyeshadow shades, lipstick colors, and blush tones to discover what works with your complexion and complements your style. Here you might even find the tiny little adjustments you might like to make to your wider look, such as permanent cosmetic enhancement that saves you having to apply those changes daily.

Lifestyle & Daily Events/Mood Count Too

You can always tailor your makeup style to suit your present lifestyle and the mood you have right now. Makeup isn’t a problem to solve, but something fun to do today. For everyday wear, many people simply choose a natural, minimalistic look that enhances your features without appearing too heavy or requiring a massive amount of effort. You could save those dramatic looks for special events or nights out, where you can experiment with vibrant colors and have fun applying it with your friend, or even follow a fun YouTube guide.

Comfort Makeup Is A-Okay!

Above all, your personal comfort and confidence matter, and feels good to prioritize. Maybe you simply love goth looks and that’s going to be your style for a while, and part of the fun of immersing yourself in that subculture is learning about and adopting the looks they have. Or, maybe you just prefer relaxing and going for no-makeup days at college. It’s all valid. Understanding this helps you avoid makeup obligation, which is never good.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to determine your makeup style appropriately.


Beauty Blog


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