Lip Augmentation is an effective method of adding or resting volume to your lips and shaping thin lips. Some people are born with thin lips, while others might experience lip thinning as part of the natural aging process.
Irrespective of the reason, lip augmentation is the safest and most affordable nonsurgical procedure for enhancing your lips. There are several types of lip augmentation that include lip fillers, lip implants, dermal fillers, and lip lifts.
But, first, let’s look at what lip augmentation is and its benefits.
What is Lip Augmentation?
Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure meant to improve the lip’s appearance by making it look plumper or fuller. A fill or plump lips will make a person look more truthful and healthier since lips usually thin out at one age.
The ideal size or shape of the lips is proportioned to the patient’s nose and other surrounding facial features.
Benefit Of A Lip Augmentation
Lip augmentation has several benefits. Let’s find out what some of them are.
- Has minimal side effects
When you perform hyaluronic acid fillers, it is quite rare to encounter side effects or allergic reactions. Before undergoing lip augmentation, ensure you discuss your known medication regimen, allergies, and other health concerns at the initial consultation. This will ensure that the clinic chooses the thigh filler for you.
- Improved appearance
The best benefit of lip augmentation for most people is that it makes them have filler lips, thus adding to their appearance. Fuller lips usually make a person feel and look younger. Some ladies that are not happy with their facial features might opt for having fuller lips to boost their self-confidence.
This appearance improvement will also boost their self-confidence in social and professional situations. Several makeup tutorials and tips abound, but they only give subtle results.
For instance, when you visit for lip augmentation by Dr. Pontell, he would use computer imaging to help you set your expectations from the procedure. This would result in you getting a long-term lips enhancement to make you feel confident at home or work.
- The results are gradual
Usually, natural fillers are given over time to get the best results. This option appeals to people with thin lips who are unsure of their look when they have filler lips.
While undergoing various appointments, you can get the desired lip plumpness without any discomfort, alongside a lip size change implant.
- Treating aging signs
An additional benefit of lip augmentation is that it can treat fine lines and wrinkles that develop along with the mouth due to natural ageing and smoking. Lip injections will give you a full natural lip which will help tighten the skin around the lips.
Therefore, your mouth will look firmer, and you will look youthful since the procedure will reduce fine lines and wrinkles.
Lip augmentation is favored by many people globally because of its aesthetic effects and also as a fast-acting substance that patients enjoy. If you employ the services of a professional doctor that has artistic eyes and is highly skilled, you can expect spectacular results.