Having Botox injections is a natural process for many people who want to look good and feel comfortable with their appearance. Botox in cosmetic medicine is extremely widespread, but not all people respond the same way to this cosmetic treatment. Many factors will affect your recovery after botox injections. Examples are injection location, injection amount, individual body chemistry, and response to this injectable. Here are some recovery tips to minimise the adverse effects of Botox.
Wait for 24 Hrs Before Exercising
After having BOTOX at SVIA Plastic Surgery, it’s important to wait at least 24 hours before exercising. You want to make sure the Botox has time to be absorbed into your muscles and that there’s no chance of it being displaced by your movements. As long as you wait 24 hours after treatment, you can go on with your normal activity without a problem. If you exercise for several hours following treatment, it can cause your pores to open up and allow bacteria into them, which can then access any injected substance under your skin surface like Botox! This can lead to infection and discomfort at best, but serious complications include loss of muscle control or paralysis if left untreated!
Be Make-Up Free for 24 Hrs
It’s vital to avoid wearing makeup on your face for at least a day after receiving Botox injections. The toxins can spread to other parts of your face if you are not careful. While it’s true that Botox at SVIA Plastic Surgery can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, it can also cause some health problems if it gets into your bloodstream.
Avoid Alcohol for 24 Hrs
If you plan to have a Botox treatment, there are a few things to consider before and after the treatment. The most important thing is that you don’t drink any alcohol for 24 hours before and after the treatment. Alcohol thins your blood, which in turn lessens the effectiveness of Botox. Also, alcohol can result in more bruising or bleeding at the injection site, so it’s best to avoid it altogether.
Keep Off the Sun for a Day
You should avoid sun or heat exposure for a whole day after having Botox. After Botox, you want to make sure that you keep the injected area as cool as possible for at least a day. This means avoiding hot showers, saunas, and any sweating activities. Once Botox has been placed in your muscles, you want to keep them from contracting for as long as possible. A hot shower or a steamy workout will make those muscles contract more than they would otherwise, which will limit the amount of time your muscles stay relaxed.
Wrapping Up
Fortunately, with BOTOX at SVIA Plastic Surgery, recovery time is faster. Although you will not be able to return to your normal activities, you should begin most generic activities within a few days of having BOTOX. These things are what you need to do to ensure the best results. All you have to do is remember this simple rule of thumb. If something in your recovery seems off, report it to your doctor right away.